On 9/13/06, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"Joshua Marsh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Are the tables perhaps nearly in order by the dsiacctno fields?

> My assumption would be they are in exact order.  The text file I used
> in the COPY statement had them in order, so if COPY preserves that in
> the database, then it is in order.

Ah.  So the question is why the planner isn't noticing that.  What do
you see in the pg_stats view for the two dsiacctno fields --- the
correlation field in particular?

Here are the results:
data=# select tablename, attname, n_distinct, avg_width, correlation
from pg_stats where tablename in ('view_505', 'r3s169') and attname =
tablename |  attname  | n_distinct | avg_width | correlation
view_505  | dsiacctno |         -1 |        13 |    -0.13912
r3s169    | dsiacctno |      44156 |        13 |   -0.126824
(2 rows)

Someone suggested CLUSTER to make sure they are in fact ordered, I can
try that to and let everyone know the results.

> The system has 8GB of ram and work_mem is set to 256MB.

Seems reasonable enough.  BTW, I don't think you've mentioned exactly
which PG version you're using?

                       regards, tom lane

I am using 8.0.3.

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