"Steven Flatt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Issue #1:

> (I'm assuming there's a reasonable explanation for this.)  If I create a
> temp table with a single varchar column (or text column), do 100 inserts to
> that table, copy to a permanent table, truncate the temp table and repeat,
> the time required for the 100 inserts grows almost linearly.

I still can't reproduce this.  Using 7.4 branch tip, I did

create temp table foo(f1 varchar);
create table nottemp(f1 varchar);
insert into foo select stringu1 from tenk1 limit 100; insert into nottemp 
select * from foo; truncate foo;
insert into foo select stringu1 from tenk1 limit 100; insert into nottemp 
select * from foo; truncate foo;
... repeat several thousand times ...

and couldn't see any consistent growth in the reported times.  So either
it's been fixed since 7.4.6 (but I don't see anything related-looking in
the CVS logs), or you haven't provided all the details.

> Now the varchar columns that end up in the perm view come from the tbl
> table, but in tbl, they are defined as varchar(40).  Somehow the 40 limit is
> lost when constructing the view.

Yeah, this is a known issue with UNIONs not preserving the length info
--- which is not entirely unreasonable: what will you do with varchar(40)
union varchar(50)?  There's a hack in place as of 8.2 to keep the
length if all the union arms have the same length.

                        regards, tom lane

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