checkpoint_segments has been set at 12 for a while and was never set
higher than that. (before that it was set to the PG default - 3 I think)

Before the server crashed I was running an update that updates a boolean
flag on two large tables (10 million rows each) for transactions older
than today (roughly 80% of the rows)  The transaction ran for a long
time and I assume is what caused the pg_xlog to fill up.

On Fri, 22 Dec 2006 17:36:39 +0000, "Simon Riggs"
> On Fri, 2006-12-22 at 12:30 -0500, Jeremy Haile wrote:
> > The archive_status directory is empty.  I've never seen any files in
> > there and I've never set archive_command.
> > 
> > Well, the problem has since resolved, but here is what is in the
> > directory now.  Previously there were hundreds of files, but these
> > disappeared after Postgres performed the automatic recovery.
> What were you doing before the server crashed?
> Did you previously have checkpoint_segments set higher? When/how was it
> reduced?
> -- 
>   Simon Riggs             
>   EnterpriseDB

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