Tom Lane wrote:
Erik Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Hello, we recently migrated our system from 8.1.x to 8.2 and when running dumps have noticed an extreme decrease in speed where the dump is concerned (by more than a factor of 2).

That's odd.  pg_dump is normally pretty much I/O bound, at least
assuming your tables are sizable.  The only way it wouldn't be is if you
have a datatype with a very slow output converter.  Have you looked into
exactly which tables are slow to dump and what datatypes they contain?
(Running pg_dump with log_min_duration_statement enabled would provide
useful data about which steps take a long time, if you're not sure.)

                        regards, tom lane
Well, all of our tables use pretty basic data types: integer (various sizes), text, varchar, boolean, and timestamps without time zone. In addition, other than not having a lot of our foreign keys in place, there have been no other schema changes since the migration.

erik jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
software development

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