Steve Atkins wrote:
As long as you're ordering by some row in the table then you can do that in
straight SQL.

select a, b, ts from foo where (stuff) and foo > X order by foo limit 10

Then, record the last value of foo you read, and plug it in as X the next
time around.

We've been over this before in this forum: It doesn't work as advertised.  Look 
for postings by me regarding the fact that there is no way to tell the 
optimizer the cost of executing a function.  There's one, for example, on Oct 
18, 2006.

I think the problem is more that most web developers aren't very good
at using the database, and tend to fall back on simplistic, wrong, approaches
to displaying the data. There's a lot of monkey-see, monkey-do in web
UI design too, which doesn't help.

Thanks, I'm sure your thoughtful comments will help me solve my problem.  
Somehow. ;-)


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