I've seen the FUSE port of ZFS, and it does run sslloowwllyy. It appears that a native linux port is going to be required if we want ZFS to be reasonably performant.

WRT which FS to use for pg; the biggest issue is what kind of DB you will be building. The best pg FS for OLTP and OLAP are not the same IME. Ditto a dependence on how large your records and the amount of IO in your typical transactions are.

For lot's of big, more reads than writes transactions, SGI's XFS seems to be best.
XFS is not the best for OLTP.  Especially for OLTP involving lots of small IOs.

jfs seems to be best for that.

Caveat: I have not yet experimented with any version of reiserfs in production.

Ron Peacetree

At 08:01 AM 5/8/2007, Luke Lonergan wrote:
WRT ZFS on Linux, if someone were to port it, the license issue would get worked out IMO (with some discussion to back me up). From discussions with the developers, the biggest issue is a technical one: the Linux VFS layer makes the port difficult.

I don't hold any hope that the FUSE port will be a happy thing, the performance won't be there.

Any volunteers to port ZFS to Linux?

- Luke

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