I am sorry about this Jim, please understand that I am a newbie and am
trying to solve long vacuum time problems and get a handle on speeding up
queries/reports. I was pointed to pg_stats and that's where I am at now. I
have added this into my conf file:
 stats_start_collector TRUE  stats_reset_on_server_start FALSE
stats_command_string TRUE
However, these being production servers, I have not enabled these:
 stats_row_level  stats_block_level
Yes, I have re-started the server(s). It seems like I query tables to get
the info. If so, are there any queries written that I can use?

Thanks for following up on this with me.


On 5/14/07, Jim C. Nasby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, May 14, 2007 at 11:09:21AM -0700, Y Sidhu wrote:
> The stats_block_level and stats_row_level are NOT enabled. The question
> how to use pg_stats. Do I access/see them via the ANALYZE command? or
> SQL. I cannot find any document which will get me started on this.

Ok, we're both confused I think... I thought you were talking about the
pg_stat* views, which depend on the statistics collector (that's what
the stats_* parameters control).

That actually has nothing at all to do with pg_stats or pg_statistics.
Those deal with statistics about the data in the database, and not about
statistics from the engine (which is what the pg_stat* views do...).

If you want to know about pg_stats, take a look at
http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/interactive/view-pg-stats.html ...
but normally you shouldn't need to worry yourself about that. Are you
trying to debug something?

Information about the backend statistics can be found at
Jim Nasby                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EnterpriseDB      http://enterprisedb.com      512.569.9461 (cell)

Yudhvir Singh Sidhu
408 375 3134 cell

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