Kristo Kaiv wrote:
you should first cluster the table on primary key.
The table is probably already bloated from the 3 hr delay it had before.
CLUSTER "primary key index name" ON group_fin_account_tst;
vacuum it every 3 minutes.
NB! clustering takes an access exclusive lock on table
thanks a bunch!!
This was the solution...
The cluster operation took about 60sec, and after it was done the vacuum finished in only 10sec. or so, with no noticeable performance bottleneck. Now vacuum is running every 2-3 minutes and makes no problems.

Hhhh, now I can look forward to a laid-back weekend..

Richard, Kristo, Alvaro, thanks 1000 times for responding so quickly


Bastian Voigt
Neumünstersche Straße 4
20251 Hamburg
telefon +49 - 40  - 67957171
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