On Sun, 3 Jun 2007, Douglas J Hunley wrote:

  commit_delay = 20000
  commit_siblings = 3
Those are based on a thread their (non-pgsql) DBA found online. I'm perfectly
willing to discount him if so advised.

Those likely came indirectly from the otherwise useful recommendations at http://www.wlug.org.nz/PostgreSQLNotes , that's the first place I saw that particular combination recommended at. The fact that you mention a thread makes me guess your DBA found https://kb.vasoftware.com/index.php?x=&mod_id=2&id=20 , which is a completely bogus set of suggestions. Anyone who gives out a blanket recommendation for any PostgreSQL performance parameter without asking questions first about things like your memory and your disk setup doesn't really know what they're doing, and I'd suggest discounting the entirety of that advice.

Those commit_ values are completely wrong for many workloads; they're introducing a 20ms delay into writes as soon as there are more then 3 clients writing things at once. If someone just took those values from a web page without actually testing them out, you'd be better off turning both values back to the defaults (which disables the feature) and waiting until you have some time to correctly determine useful settings for your system.

Note that with fsync=off, I don't think that's actually doing anything right now so it's kind of irrelevant to get excited about; should be addressed before fsync gets turned back on though.

Also: some of the recommendations you've been getting for shared_buffers are on the low side as far as I'm concerned. You should consider maxing that value out at 262143 (2GB of RAM) on your server with 8GB of RAM available, then putting effective_cache_size at 5GB or so. That may require just a bit more upward tweaking of your kernel parameters to support.

* Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD

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