On 11-Jul-07, at 10:05 AM, Gregory Stark wrote:

"Dave Cramer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Assuming we have 24 73G drives is it better to make one big metalun and carve it up and let the SAN manage the where everything is, or is it better to
specify which spindles are where.

This is quite a controversial question with proponents of both strategies.

I would suggest having one RAID-1 array for the WAL and throw the rest of the

This is quite unexpected. Since the WAL is primarily all writes, isn't a RAID 1 the slowest of all for writing ?
drives at a single big array for the data files. That wastes space since the
WAL isn't big but the benefit is big.

If you have a battery backed cache you might not need even that. Just throwing
them all into a big raid might work just as well.
Any ideas on how to test this before we install the database ?

  Gregory Stark
  EnterpriseDB          http://www.enterprisedb.com

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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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