On 2007-07-25 Mario Weilguni wrote:
> Am Dienstag 24 Juli 2007 schrieb Tom Lane:
>>> I thought the to_char/to_date/to_timestamp functions were intented
>>> for this purposes
>> No, they're intended for dealing with wacky formats that the regular
>> input/output routines can't understand or produce.
> Really? I use them alot, because of possible problems with different
> date formats. 20070503 means May 3, 2007 for germans,

Actually, no. 20070503 is the condensed form of the ISO international
calendar date format (see ISO 8601). German formats would be 03.05.2007
or 3. Mai 2007.

Ansgar Wiechers
"The Mac OS X kernel should never panic because, when it does, it
seriously inconveniences the user."

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