On Jul 18, 2007, at 1:08 PM, Steven Flatt wrote:

Some background: we make extensive use of partitioned tables. In fact, I'm really only considering reindexing partitions that have "just closed". In our simplest/most general case, we have a table partitioned by a timestamp column, each partition 24 hours wide. The partition will have an index on the timestamp column as well as a few other indexes including a primary key

If all you ever did was insert into that table, then you probably don't need to reindex. If you did mass updates/deletes mixed with your inserts, then perhaps you do.

Do some experiments comparing pg_class.relpages for your table and its indexes before and after a reindex. Decide if the number of pages you save on the index is worth the trouble. If it shaves off just a handful of pages, I'd vote no...

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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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