On 10/11/07, Andrew - Supernews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2007-10-10, Theo Kramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > When doing a 'manual' prepare and explain analyze I get the following
> >
> > rascal=# prepare cq (char(12), smallint, integer) as SELECT oid,
> > calllog_mainteng, calllog_phase, calllog_self FROM calllog
> > WHERE calllog_mainteng = $1
> > AND calllog_phase = $2
> > AND calllog_self < $3
> > OR calllog_mainteng = $1
> > AND calllog_phase < $2
> > ORDER BY calllog_mainteng DESC,
> >  calllog_phase DESC,
> >  calllog_self DESC limit 25;
> When you do this from the application, are you passing it 3 parameters,
> or 5?  The plan is clearly taking advantage of the fact that the two
> occurrences of $1 and $2 are known to be the same value; if your app is
> using some interface that uses ? placeholders rather than numbered
> parameters, then the planner will not be able to make this assumption.
> Also, from the application, is the LIMIT 25 passed as a constant or is that
> also a parameter?

also, this looks a bit like a drilldown query, which is ordering the
table on 2+ fields.  if that's the case, row wise comparison is a
better and faster approach.  is this a converted cobol app?


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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