On Tue, Nov 13, 2007 at 02:50:59PM -0500, Jean-David Beyer wrote:
> > How about ERROR?
> $ grep -i error Tue.log
> $

Well, without actually logging into the machine and looking at the
application, I confess I am stumped.  Oh, wait.  You do have the log level
high enough that you should see errors in the log, right?  That's not
controlled by the statement parameter. 

> I have no triggers in that database. I do have two sequences.

Sequences should not produce any dead rows on the table, unless they're used
as keys and you're attempting inserts that conflict with used sequence
values.  That should cause errors that you'd get in the log, presuming that
you have the log level set correctly.


Andrew Sullivan
Old sigs will return after re-constitution of blue smoke

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