Hi Greg,

On 2/6/08 7:56 AM, "Greg Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If I'm loading a TB file, odds are good I can split that into 4 or more
> vertical pieces (say rows 1-25%, 25-50%, 50-75%, 75-100%), start 4 loaders
> at once, and get way more than 1 disk worth of throughput reading.  You
> have to play with the exact number because if you push the split too far
> you introduce seek slowdown instead of improvements, but that's the basic
> design I'd like to see one day.  It's not parallel loading that's useful
> for the cases I'm thinking about until something like this comes around.

Just load 4 relfiles.  You have to be able to handle partial relfiles, which
changes the storage mgmt a bit, but the benefits are easier to achieve.

- Luke

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