Under heavy load, Apache has the usual failure mode of spawning so many threads/processes and database connections that it just exhausts all the memory on the webserver and also kills the database. As usual, I would use lighttpd as a frontend (also serving static files) to handle the large number of concurrent connections to clients, and then have it funnel this to a reasonable number of perl backends, something like 10-30. I don't know if fastcgi works with perl, but with PHP it certainly works very well. If you can't use fastcgi, use lighttpd as a HTTP proxy and apache with mod_perl behind. Recipe for good handling of heavy load is using an asynchronous server (which by design can handle any number of concurrent connections up to the OS' limit) in front of a small number of dynamic webpage generating threads/processes.

Thanks for the response.

To be clear, it sounds like you are advocating solving the problem with scaling the number of connections with a different approach, by limiting the number of web server processes.

So, the front-end proxy would have a number of max connections, say 200, and it would connect to another httpd/mod_perl server behind with a lower number of connections, say 20. If the backend httpd server was busy, the proxy connection to it would just wait in a queue until it was available.

Is that the kind of design you had in mind?

That seems like a reasonable option as well. We already have some lightweight Apache servers in use on the project which currently just serve static content.


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