Hi Guys,

I'm using postgresql 8.3.1 and I'm seeing weird behavior between what I expect and what's happening when the query is executed

I'm trying to match a table that contains regexps against another table that is full of the text to match against so my query is:

select wc_rule.id from classifications, wc_rule where classifications.classification ~* wc_rule.regexp;

When I run that the query takes a very very long time (never ending so far 20 minutes or so) to execute.

But if I loop through all of the rules and a query for each rule:

select wc_rule.id from classifications, wc_rule where classifications.classification ~* wc_rule.regexp and wc_rule.id = ?

All of the rules when run individually can be matched in a little under then 3 minutes. I'd assume postgres would be equal to or faster with the single row execution method.

The table schema:

CREATE TABLE wc_rule (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    regexp text,

CREATE TABLE classifications (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    classification text NOT NULL

gb_render_1_db=# explain select wc_rule.id from classifications, wc_rule where classifications.classification ~* wc_rule.regexp;
                                 QUERY PLAN
 Nested Loop  (cost=13.71..891401.71 rows=197843 width=4)
   Join Filter: (classifications.classification ~* wc_rule.regexp)
-> Seq Scan on classifications (cost=0.00..1093.46 rows=56446 width=42)
   ->  Materialize  (cost=13.71..20.72 rows=701 width=22)
         ->  Seq Scan on wc_rule  (cost=0.00..13.01 rows=701 width=22)
(5 rows)

gb_render_1_db=# select count(*) from classifications;
(1 row)

gb_render_1_db=# select count(*) from wc_rule;
(1 row)

I have exports of the tables up at so you can try it if you'd like.


Any insight is greatly appreciated, even if it's just showing me how I made a mistake in the query.


Rusty Conover
InfoGears Inc.

An example script that shows how each rule was run individually in perl.

eval {
  my $all_rules = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("select id from wc_rule");
  foreach my $row (@$all_rules) {
    print "Doing rule: $row->[0]\n";
    eval {
      local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die("Alarm") };
my $results = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("select wc_rule.id from classifications, wc_rule where classifications.classification ~* wc_rule.regexp and wc_rule.id = ?", undef, $row->[0]);
    if ($@) {
      print "Got bad rule id of : $row->[0]\n";
    print "ok rule: $row->[0]\n";
if ($@) {
  print "Failed to run rules:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";


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