am  Wed, dem 26.11.2008, um 21:21:04 -0700 mailte Kevin Kempter folgendes:
> Next we have a select count(*) that  also one of the top offenders:
> select count(*) from public.tab3  where user_id=31 
> and state='A' 
> and amount>0;
>                                              QUERY PLAN                       
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Aggregate  (cost=3836.53..3836.54 rows=1 width=0)
>    ->  Index Scan using order_user_indx ontab3 user_id  (cost=0.00..3834.29 
> rows=897 width=0)
>          Index Cond: (idx_user_id = 31406948::numeric)
>          Filter: ((state = 'A'::bpchar) AND (amount > 0::numeric))
> (4 rows)
> We have an index on the user_id but not on the state or amount, 
> add index to amount ?


- Is the index on user_id a unique index?
- how many different values are in the table for state, i.e., maybe an
  index on state can help
- how many rows in the table with amount > 0? If almost all rows
  contains an amount > 0 an index can't help in this case

Andreas Kretschmer
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