Linos <> writes:
> Tom Lane escribió:
>> That's just weird --- ssl off should be ssl off no matter which knob you
>> use to turn it off.  Are you sure it's really off in the slow connections?

> Maybe i am missing something, i use the same command to connect to it
> from localhost "psql -d database -h localhost" and in the pcap files i
> have captured the protocol it is clear (with "ssl = false" or "ssl =
> true" either), but in the debian machine with "ssl = true" in
> postgresql.conf you can see in the pcap file big time jumps between
> data packets, psql commandline enables automatically ssl if the server
> supports it?

Yeah, the default behavior is to do SSL if supported; see PGSSLMODE.
Non-TCP connections never do SSL, though.  One possibility to check
is that one of the two distros has altered the default value of

> but if this is the case i should see encrypted traffic in
> pcap files,

I would suppose so, so there's something that doesn't quite add up here.

                        regards, tom lane

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