On Apr 8, 2009, at 4:46 PM, Dimitri Fontaine wrote:

$ londiste.py setup.ini provider add schema.table
$ londiste.py setup.ini subscriber add schema.table

That is nice.  One could probably do that for slony too.

I may try some tests out with londiste.. I'm always open to new (ideally, better) things.

This could happen in Londiste too, just set pgq_lazy_fetch to a reasonable value and Londiste will use a cursor to fetch the events, lowering the load. Events are just tuples in an INSERT only table, which when not used anymore is TRUNCATEd away. PGQ will use 3 tables where to store events and will rotate its choice of where to insert new envents, allowing to use TRUNCATE rather than DELETE. And PostgreSQL is quite efficient to manage this :)

Well, Slony always uses a cursor to fetch, the problem is it may have to slog through millions of rows to find the new data - I've analyzed the queries and there isn't much it can do - lots of calls to the xxid_ functions to determine whats to be used, whats not to be used. When all slaves have a sync event ack'd it is free to be removed by the cleanup routine which is run every few minutes.

Oh and some people asked what Londiste with failover and DDL would look like. Here's what the API being cooked looks like at the moment:
$ londiste setup.ini execute myddl.script.sql

$ londiste conf/londiste_db3.ini change-provider --provider=rnode1
$ londiste conf/londiste_db1.ini switchover --target=rnode2

ok, so londiste can't do failover yet, or is it just somewhat convoluted at this point?

Jeff Trout <j...@jefftrout.com>

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