Phoenix Kiula wrote:
I'm on a CentOS 5 OS 64 bit, latest kernel and all of that.
PG version is 8.3.7, compiled as 64bit.
The memory is 8GB.
It's a 2 x Dual Core Intel 5310.
Hard disks are Raid 1, SCSI 15 rpm.

The server is running just one website. So there's Apache 2.2.11,
MySQL (for some small tasks, almost negligible).

And then there's PG, which in the "top" command shows up as the main beast.

My server load is going to 64, 63, 65, and so on.

Where should I start debugging? What should I see? TOP command does
not yield anything meaningful. I mean, even if it shows that postgres
user for "postmaster" and nobody user for "httpd" (apache) are the
main resource hogs, what should I start with in terms of debugging?

1) check if you are using swap space. Use free and make sure swap/used is a small number. Check vmstat and see if swpd is moving up and down. (Posting a handful of lines from vmstat might help us).

2) check 'ps ax|grep postgres' and make sure nothing says "idle in transaction"

3) I had a web box where the number of apache clients was set very high, and the box was brought to its knees by the sheer number of connections. check "ps ax|grep http|wc --lines" and make sure its not too big. (perhaps less than 100)


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