
I am using the PostgreSQL 8.4. What is the code path?   After a row is
inserted to the table, it will update the fields of "validfrom", and
"validto". Followings are the table structure, data, and the performance

xiliu=# \d page
              Table "pyetlexa.page"
     Column      |       Type        | Modifiers
 pageid          | integer           | not null
 url             | character varying |
 size            | integer           |
 validfrom       | date              |
 validto         | date              |
 version         | integer           |
 domainid        | integer           |
 serverversionid | integer           |
    "page_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (pageid)
    "url_version_idx" btree (url, version DESC)

Here is the data in this table:

Here is the performance data by "top":



On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 12:13 AM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:

> afancy <grou...@gmail.com> writes:
> > My PostgreSQL server has two CPUs (OS: Fedora 11), each with 4 cores.
> Total
> > is 8cores.  Now I have several clients running at the same time to do
> insert
> > and update on the same table, each client having its own connection.  I
> have
> > made  two testing with  clients running in parallel to load 20M data in
> > total. Each testing, the data is split evenly by the client number such
> that
> > each client only loads a piece of data.
> What exactly are you doing when you "load data"?  There are some code
> paths that are slower if they have to examine not-yet-committed tuples,
> and your report sounds a bit like that might be what's happening.
> But with so few details (not even a Postgres version number :-()
> it's difficult to be sure of anything.
>                        regards, tom lane

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