Greg Smith <> writes:
> You might note that only one of these sources--a backend allocating a 
> buffer--is connected to the process you want to limit.  If you think of 
> the problem from that side, it actually becomes possible to do something 
> useful here.  The most practical way to throttle something down without 
> a complete database redesign is to attack the problem via allocation.  
> If you limited the rate of how many buffers a backend was allowed to 
> allocate and dirty in the first place, that would be extremely effective 
> in limiting its potential damage to I/O too, albeit indirectly.

This is in fact exactly what the vacuum_cost_delay logic does.
It might be interesting to investigate generalizing that logic
so that it could throttle all of a backend's I/O not just vacuum.
In principle I think it ought to work all right for any I/O-bound

But, as noted upthread, this is not high on the priority list
of any of the major developers.

                        regards, tom lane

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