On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 3:03 PM, Carlo Stonebanks
<stonec.regis...@sympatico.ca> wrote:
>> Yes!  You can run vacuum verbose against the regular old postgres
>> database (or just create one for testing with nothing in it) and
>> you'll still get the fsm usage numbers from that!  So, no need to run
>> it against the big db.  However, if regular vacuum verbose couldn't
>> finish in a week, then you've likely got vacuum and autovacuum set to
>> be too timid in their operation, and may be getting pretty bloated as
>> we speak.  Once the fsm gets too blown out of the water, it's quicker
>> to dump and reload the whole DB than to try and fix it.
> My client reports this is what they actualyl do on a monthly basis.

Something is deeply wrong with your client's vacuuming policies.


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