Sorry again for previous rough messages,  some good people advice me to 
post these problems again With sincere and friendly attitude 。

I think i should do this . 

In recently projects , I determine use pg in some medium or big projects , as 
the projects has been finished,  it prove that I made a right decision. 
Maturity and stability of the postgresql has left us a deep iompression, of 
coz,  there is some problems in postgresql  , and finally we take 
some  interim measures to avoid this problems 
ENV: postgresql 8.4.2 , CentOS5.4, JDK6.0 

problems 1:  My previous view is that the insert operation would use a 
exclusive lock on referenced row on FK , but now I realyzed that I  am 
wrong , after test , pg does not  take a exclusive lock on fk row,  
My prvous test procedure make a stupid mistake: when i check the performence 
problem , i remove the fks and unique constraints in one time , and the good 
result make me think the fk is the problem, but actually the unique constraints 
is the problem . 

i shame myself . 
after shaming , I think i should pick out some my points:
 the unique constraints actualy kill concurrency write transaction when 
concurrency insert violate the unique constraints , they block each other , i 
test this in oracle10g, has the same behavour. I think this may be reasonable 
because the uqniue check must be  the seriazable check . 
for resolve this problem , i do the unique check in application as possible , 
but in big concurrency env , this is not good way . 

problems 2: my mistake too , i think i misunderstanding read committed 
isolation , shame myself again too . 

problems 3: 

After i do some config by this link: . 

the cost now just is 2-4 seconds , it is acceptable . 

thanks u  very much and forgive me . 


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