On Mar 8, 2010, at 12:50 PM, Greg Smith wrote:

> Ben Chobot wrote:
>> We've enjoyed our FusionIO drives very much. They can do 100k iops without 
>> breaking a sweat. Just make sure you shut them down cleanly - it can up to 
>> 30 minutes per card to recover from a crash/plug pull test.   
> Yeah...I got into an argument with Kenny Gorman over my concerns with how 
> they were handling durability issues on his blog, the reading I did about 
> them never left me satisfied Fusion was being completely straight with 
> everyone about this area:  http://www.kennygorman.com/wordpress/?p=398
> If it takes 30 minutes to recover, but it does recover, I guess that's better 
> than I feared was the case with them.  Thanks for reporting the plug pull 
> tests--I don't trust any report from anyone about new storage hardware that 
> doesn't include that little detail as part of the testing.  You're just 
> asking to have your data get lost without that basic due diligence, and I'm 
> sure not going to even buy eval hardware from a vendor that appears evasive 
> about it.  There's a reason I don't personally own any SSD hardware yet.

Of course, the plug pull test can never be conclusive, but we never lost any 
data the handful of times we did it. Normally we'd do it more, but with such a 
long reboot cycle....

But from everything we can tell, FusionIO does do reliability right.
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