Greg Smith <> writes:
> If anything, I'd expect people to want to increase how often it runs, 
> for tables where much less than 20% dead is a problem.  The most common 
> situation I've seen where that's the case is when you have a hotspot of 
> heavily updated rows in a large table, and this may match some of the 
> situations that Robert was alluding to seeing.  Let's say you have a big 
> table where 0.5% of the users each update their respective records 
> heavily, averaging 30 times each.  That's only going to result in 15% 
> dead rows, so no autovacuum.  But latency for those users will suffer 
> greatly, because they might have to do lots of seeking around to get 
> their little slice of the data.

With a little luck, HOT will alleviate that case, since HOT updates can
be reclaimed without running vacuum per se.  I agree there's a risk
there though.

Now that partial vacuum is available, it'd be a real good thing to
revisit these numbers.

                        regards, tom lane

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