On Jun 14, 2010, at 11:53 AM, Tom Wilcox wrote:

> max_connections=3
> effective_cache_size=15GB
> maintenance_work_mem=5GB
> shared_buffers=7000MB
> work_mem=5GB

maintenance_work_mem doesn't need to be so high, it certainly has no effect on 
your queries below.  It would affect vacuum, reindex, etc.

With fast disk like this (assuming your 700MB/sec above was not a typo) make 
sure you tune autovacuum up to be much more aggressive than the default 
(increase the allowable cost per sleep by at least 10x).

A big work_mem like above is OK if you know that no more than a couple sessions 
will be active at once.  Worst case, a single connection ... probably ... won't 
use more than 2x that ammount.  

> For now, I will go with the config using 7000MB shared_buffers. Any 
> suggestions on how I can further optimise this config for a single 
> session, 64-bit install utilising ALL of 96GB RAM. I will spend the next 
> week making the case for a native install of Linux, but first we need to 
> be 100% sure that is the only way to get the most out of Postgres on 
> this machine.

Getting the most from the RAM does *_NOT_*  mean making Postgres use all the 
RAM.  Postgres relies on the OS file cache heavily.  If there is a lot of free 
RAM for the OS to use to cache files, it will help the performance.  Both 
Windows and Linux aggressively cache file pages and do a good job at it.

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