Hi again!

I have finally got my Ubuntu VirtualBox VM running PostgreSQL with PL/Python
and am now looking at performance.

So here's the scenario:

We have a great big table:

cse=# \d nlpg.match_data
                                         Table "nlpg.match_data"
      Column       |   Type   |
 premise_id        | integer  |
 usrn              | bigint   |
 org               | text     |
 sao               | text     |
 level             | text     |
 pao               | text     |
 name              | text     |
 street            | text     |
 town              | text     |
 postcode          | text     |
 match_data_id     | integer  | not null default
 addr_str          | text     |
 tssearch_name     | tsvector |
 tssearch_street   | tsvector |
 tssearch_addr_str | tsvector |
    "match_data_pkey1" PRIMARY KEY, btree (match_data_id)
    "index_match_data_mid" btree (match_data_id)
    "index_match_data_pid" btree (premise_id)
    "index_match_data_tssearch_addr_str" gin (tssearch_addr_str)
    "index_match_data_tssearch_name" gin (tssearch_name)
    "index_match_data_tssearch_street" gin (tssearch_street)
    "index_match_data_usrn" btree (usrn)

nlpg.match_data has approximately 27,000,000 rows..

Running this query:

EXPLAIN ANALYZE UPDATE nlpg.match_data SET org = org WHERE match_data_id <

I get this:

"Index Scan using match_data_pkey1 on match_data  (cost=0.00..1452207.14
rows=1913756 width=302) (actual time=23.448..61559.652 rows=999999 loops=1)"
"  Index Cond: (match_data_id < 1000000)"
"Total runtime: 403855.675 ms"

I copied a chunk of the table like this:

CREATE TABLE nlpg.md_copy AS SELECT * FROM nlpg.match_data WHERE
match_data_id < 1000000;

Then ran the same query on the smaller copy table:

EXPLAIN ANALYZE UPDATE nlpg.md_copy SET org = org WHERE match_data_id <

And get this:

"Seq Scan on md_copy  (cost=0.00..96935.99 rows=999899 width=301) (actual
time=26.745..33944.923 rows=999999 loops=1)"
"  Filter: (match_data_id < 1000000)"
"Total runtime: 57169.419 ms"

As you can see this is much faster per row with the smaller table chunk. I
then tried running the same first query with 10 times the number of rows:

EXPLAIN ANALYZE UPDATE nlpg.match_data SET org = org WHERE match_data_id <

This takes a massive amount of time (still running) and is definitely a
non-linear increase in the run time in comparison with the previous query.

EXPLAIN UPDATE nlpg.match_data SET org = org WHERE match_data_id < 10000000;
"Seq Scan on match_data  (cost=0.00..3980053.11 rows=19172782 width=302)"
"  Filter: (match_data_id < 10000000)"

Any suggestions on what I can do to speed things up? I presume if I turn off
Sequential Scan then it might default to Index Scan.. Is there anything


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