On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 8:57 PM, Kevin Grittner
<kevin.gritt...@wicourts.gov> wrote:
> I'm not clear whether you still have a problem, or whether the
> changes you mention solved your issues.  I'll comment on potential
> issues that leap out at me.

It shall require more observation to know if the "problem" is solved.
my  "problem"  was high load average in the server . We find that
when ldavg is between 10-20 responses of applications were acceptable
ldavg  > 40 makes things slower.

What prompted me to post to list is that the server transitioned from
being IO bound to CPU bound and 90% of syscalls being

> Rajesh Kumar Mallah <mallah.raj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 3. we use xfs  and our controller has BBU , we changed barriers=1
>> to barriers=0 as i learnt that having barriers=1 on xfs  and fsync
>> as the sync method, the advantage of BBU is lost unless barriers
>> is = 0 (correct me if my understanding is wrong)
> We use noatime,nobarrier in /etc/fstab.  I'm not sure where you're
> setting that, but if you have a controller with BBU, you want to set
> it to whichever disables write barriers.

as per suggestion in discussions on some other thread I set it
in /etc/fstab.

>> max_connections = 300
> As I've previously mentioned, I would use a connection pool, in
> which case this wouldn't need to be that high.

We do use connection pooling provided to mod_perl server
via Apache::DBI::Cache. If i reduce this i *get* "too many
connections from non-superuser ... "  error. Will pgpool - I/II
still applicable in this scenario ?

>> work_mem = 4GB
> That's pretty high.  That much memory can be used by each active
> connection, potentially for each of several parts of the active
> query on each connection.  You should probably set this much lower
> in postgresql.conf and boost it if necessary for individual queries.

hmmm.. it was 8GB for many months !

i shall reduce it further, but will it not result in usage of too many
temp files
and saturate i/o?

>> effective_cache_size = 18GB
> With 32GB RAM on the machine, I would probably set this higher --
> somewhere in the 24GB to 30GB range, unless you have specific
> reasons to believe otherwise.  It's not that critical, though.

i do not remember well but there is a system view that (i think)
guides at what stage the marginal returns of increasing it
starts disappearing , i had set it a few years back.

>> add_missing_from = on
> Why?  There has been discussion of eliminating this option -- do you
> have queries which rely on the non-standard syntax this enables?

unfortunately yes.

>> Also i would like to apologize that some of the discussions on
>> this problem inadvertently became private between me & kevin.
> Oops.  I failed to notice that.  Thanks for bringing it back to the
> list.  (It's definitely in your best interest to keep it in front of
> all the other folks here, some of whom regularly catch things I miss
> or get wrong.)
> If you still do have slow queries, please follow up with details.

I have now set log_min_duration_statement = 5000
and there are few queries that come to logs.

please comment on the connection pooling aspect.

Warm  Regards
Rajesh Kumar Mallah.

> -Kevin

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