I haven't jumped in yet on this thread, but here goes ....

If you're really looking for query performance, then any database which is
designed with reliability and ACID consistency in mind is going to
inherently have some mis-fit features.

Some other ideas to consider, depending on your query mix:

1. MySQL with the MyISAM database (non-ACID)

2. Put an in-application generic query cache in front of the DB, that runs
in the app address space, e.g. Cache' if using Java

3. Using a DB is a good way to get generic querying capability, but if the
"where" clause in the querying is over a small set of meta-data, and SQL
syntax is not a big requirement, consider non-RDBMS alternatives, e.g. use
XPath over a W3C DOM object tree to get primary keys to in-memory hash
tables (possibly distributed with something like memcached)

On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 9:14 PM, jgard...@jonathangardner.net <
jgard...@jonathangardner.net> wrote:

> We have a fairly unique need for a local, in-memory cache. This will
> store data aggregated from other sources. Generating the data only
> takes a few minutes, and it is updated often. There will be some
> fairly expensive queries of arbitrary complexity run at a fairly high
> rate. We're looking for high concurrency and reasonable performance
> throughout.
> The entire data set is roughly 20 MB in size. We've tried Carbonado in
> front of SleepycatJE only to discover that it chokes at a fairly low
> concurrency and that Carbonado's rule-based optimizer is wholly
> insufficient for our needs. We've also tried Carbonado's Map
> Repository which suffers the same problems.
> I've since moved the backend database to a local PostgreSQL instance
> hoping to take advantage of PostgreSQL's superior performance at high
> concurrency. Of course, at the default settings, it performs quite
> poorly compares to the Map Repository and Sleepycat JE.
> My question is how can I configure the database to run as quickly as
> possible if I don't care about data consistency or durability? That
> is, the data is updated so often and it can be reproduced fairly
> rapidly so that if there is a server crash or random particles from
> space mess up memory we'd just restart the machine and move on.
> I've never configured PostgreSQL to work like this and I thought maybe
> someone here had some ideas on a good approach to this.
> --
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