Kevin Grittner wrote:
Of course, the only way to really know some of these numbers is to
test your actual application on the real hardware under realistic
load; but sometimes you can get a reasonable approximation from
early tests or "gut feel" based on experience with similar

And that latter part only works if your gut is as accurate as Kevin's. For most people, even a rough direct measurement is much more useful than any estimate.

Anyway, Kevin's point--that ultimately you cannot really be executing more things at once than you have CPUs--is an accurate one to remember here. One reason to put connection pooling in front of your database is that it cannot handle thousands of active connections at once without switching between them very frequently. That wastes both CPU and other resources with contention that could be avoided.

If you expect, say, 1000 simultaneous users, and you have 48 CPUs, there is only 48ms worth of CPU time available to each user per second on average. If you drop that to 100 users using a pooler, they'll each get 480ms worth of it. But no matter what, when the CPUs are busy enough to always have a queued backlog, they will clear at best 48 * 1 second = 48000 ms of work from that queue each second, best case, no matter how you setup the ratios here.

Now, imagine that the average query takes 24ms. The two scenarios work out like this:

Without pooler: takes 24 / 48 = 0.5 seconds to execute in parallel with 999 other processes

With pooler: Worst-case, the pooler queue is filled and there are 900 users ahead of this one, representing 21600 ms worth of work to clear before this request will become active. The query waits 21600 / 48000 = 0.45 seconds to get runtime on the CPU. Once it starts, though, it's only contending with 99 other processes, so it gets 1/100 of the available resources. 480 ms of CPU time executes per second for this query; it runs in 0.05 seconds at that rate. Total runtime: 0.45 + 0.05 = 0.5 seconds!

So the incoming query in this not completely contrived case (I just picked the numbers to make the math even) takes the same amount of time to deliver a result either way. It's just a matter of whether it spends that time waiting for a clear slice of CPU time, or fighting with a lot of other processes the whole way. Once the incoming connections exceeds CPUs by enough of a margin that a pooler can expect to keep all the CPUs busy, it delivers results at the same speed as using a larger number of connections. And since the "without pooler" case assumes perfect slicing of time into units, it's the unrealistic one; contention among the 1000 processes will actually make it slower than the pooled version in the real world. You won't see anywhere close to 48000 ms worth of work delivered per second anymore if the server is constantly losing its CPU cache, swapping among an average of an average of 21 connections/CPU. Whereas if it's only slightly more than 2 connections per CPU, each of them should alternate between the two processes easily enough.

Greg Smith  2ndQuadrant US  Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support

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