jnelson+pg...@jamponi.net (Jon Nelson) writes:
> Are there any performance implications (benefits) to executing queries
> in a transaction where
> has been executed?

Directly?  No.

Indirectly, well, a *leetle* bit...

Transactions done READ ONLY do not generate actual XIDs, which reduces
the amount of XID generation (pretty tautological!), which reduces the
need to do VACUUM to protect against XID wraparound.


If you process 50 million transactions, that chews thru 50 million XIDs.

If 45 million of those were processed via READ ONLY transactions, then
the same processing only chews thru 5 million XIDs, meaning that the
XID-relevant vacuums can be done rather less frequently.

This only terribly much matters if:
  a) your database is so large that there are tables on which VACUUM
     would run for a very long time, and

  b) you are chewing through XIDs mighty quickly.

If either condition isn't true, then the indirect effect isn't important
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="gmail.com" in name ^ "@" ^ tld;;
"I'm not switching from slrn.   I'm quite confident that anything that
*needs* to be posted in HTML is fatuous garbage not worth my time."
-- David M. Cook <davec...@home.com>

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