On Wednesday 17 November 2010 15:26:56 Eric Comeau wrote:
> This is not directly a PostgreSQL performance question but I'm hoping
> some of the chaps that build high IO PostgreSQL servers on here can help.
> We build file transfer acceleration s/w (and use PostgreSQL as our
> database) but we need to build a test server that can handle a sustained
> write throughput of 1,25 GB for 5 mins.
> Why this number, because we want to push a 10 Gbps network link for 5-8
> mins, 10Gbps = 1.25 GB write, and would like to drive it for 5-8 mins
> which would be 400-500 GB.
> Note this is just a "test" server therefore it does not need fault
> tolerance.
> Thanks in advance,
> Eric

I'm sure there are others with more experience on this, but if you don't need 
failt tolerance, a bunch of fast disks in striping-mode (so-called RAID-0) on 
seperated channels (eg. different PCI-Express channels) would be my first step.

Alternatively, if you don't care if the data is actually stored, couldn't you 
process it with a program that does a checksum over the data transmitted and 
then ignores/forgets it? (eg. forget about disk-storage and do it all in 


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