On 17/12/2010, at 8:27 PM, Filip Rembiałkowski wrote:

> 2010/12/17 Royce Ausburn <ro...@inomial.com>
> Hi all,
> I have a table that in the typical case holds two minute sample data for a 
> few thousand sources.  Often we need to report on these data for a particular 
> source over a particular time period and we're finding this query tends to 
> get a bit slow.
> how about (auto)vacuuming?

A key piece of information I left out: we almost never update rows in this 

> I figure at most there should only be ~20,000 rows to be read from disk, and 
> I expect that the index is doing a pretty good job of making sure only the 
> rows that need reading are read. inclusion of the ip in the query is almost 
> redundant as most of the time an ip has its own collection....  My suspicion 
> is that the rows that we're interested in are very sparsely distributed on 
> disk, so we're having to read too many pages for the query...
> you can test this suspicion in very simple way:
> - create test table (like yours including indexes including constraints, but 
> with no data)
> - insert into test select * from yours order by 
> - analyze test tablee available 
> - test the query on the new table
> If new query is much faster, and if you have intensive random UPD/DEL/INS 
> activity, periodic CLUSTER could be a good idea... 
> but it depends on actual usage patterns (SELECT/modify ratio, types of 
> updates, and so on).

Good idea!  This vastly improves query times.
> and finally, you did not specify what PostgreSQL version are you using.

In the case I've been working with it's 8.1 =(  But we have a few instances of 
this database... I believe the rest are a mixture of 8.4s and they all have the 
same problem.


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