On 1/27/2011 5:19 PM, da...@lang.hm wrote:
On Thu, 27 Jan 2011, Robert Schnabel wrote:


I use PostgreSQL basically as a data warehouse to store all the genetic data
that our lab generates.  The only person that accesses the database is myself
and therefore I've had it housed on my workstation in my office up till now.
However, it's getting time to move it to bigger hardware.  I currently have a
server that is basically only storing backup images of all our other
workstations so I'm going to move my database onto it.  The server looks like
this: Windows Server Enterprise 2008 R2 64-bit, AMD 2350 quad-core x2, 32GB
RAM.  For my purposes the CPUs and RAM are fine.  I currently have an Adaptec
52445+BBU controller that has the OS (4 drive RAID5), FTP (4 drive RAID5) and
two backup arrays (8 drive each RAID0).  The backup arrays are in a 16 drive
external enclosure through an expander so I actually have 16 ports free on
the 52445 card.  I plan to remove 3 of the drives from my backup arrays to
make room for 3 - 73GB 15k.5 drives (re-purposed from my workstation).  Two
16 drive enclosures with SAS2 expanders just arrived as well as 36 Seagate
15k.7 300GB drives (ST3300657SS).  I also intend on getting an Adaptec 6445
controller with the flash module when it becomes available in about a month
or two.  I already have several Adaptec cards so I'd prefer to stick with

Here's the way I was planning using the new hardware:
xlog&  wal: 3 - 73G 15k.5 RAID1+hot spare in enclosure A on 52445 controller
data: 22 - 300G 15k.7 RAID10 enclosure B&C on 6445 controller
indexes: 8 - 300G 15k.7 RAID10 enclosure C on 6445 controller
2 - 300G 15k.7 as hot spares enclosure C
4 spare 15k.7 for on the shelf

With this configuration I figure I'll have ~3TB for my main data tables and
1TB for indexes.  Right now my database is 500GB total.  The 3:1 split
reflects my current table structure and what I foresee coming down the road
in terms of new data.

So my questions are 1) am I'm crazy for doing this, 2) would you change
anything and 3) is it acceptable to put the xlog&  wal (and perhaps tmp
filespace) on a different controller than everything else?  Please keep in
mind I'm a geneticist who happens to know a little bit about bioinformatics
and not the reverse. :-)
a number of questions spring to mind

how much of the time are you expecting to spend inserting data into this
system vs querying data from the system?

is data arriving continuously, or is it a matter of receiving a bunch of
data, inserting it, then querying it?

which do you need to optimize for, insert speed or query speed?

Bulk loads of GB of data via COPY from csv files once every couple weeks. I basically only have a couple different table "types" based on the data going into them. Each type is set up as inherited tables so there is a new child table for each "sample" that is added. Once the bulk data is inserted into the tables I generally do some updates on columns to set values which characterize the data. These columns then get indexed. Basically once the initial manipulation is done the table is then static and what I'm looking for is query speed.

do you expect your queries to be searching for a subset of the data
scattered randomly throughlut the input data, or do you expect it to be
'grab this (relativly) sequential chunk of input data and manipulate it to
generate a report' type of thing
Generally it is grab a big sequential chunk of data and either dump it to a csv or insert into another table. I use external scripts to format data. My two big table structures look like this:

CREATE TABLE genotypes
  snp_number integer NOT NULL,
  sample_id integer NOT NULL,
  genotype smallint NOT NULL

There are ~58k unique snp_number. Other tables will have upwards of 600-700k snp_number. The child tables have a constraint based on sample_id such as:
CONSTRAINT check100 CHECK (sample_id > 100000000 AND sample_id < 101000000)

The data is sorted by snp_number, sample_id. So if I want the data for a given sample_id it would be a block of ~58k rows. The size of the table depends on how many sample_id's there are. My largest has ~30k sample_id by 58k snp_number per sample. The other big table (with children) is "mutations" and is set up similarly so that I can access individual tables (samples) based on constraints. Each of these children have between 5-60M records.

what is your connectvity to the raid enclosures? (does
putting 22 drives on one cable mean that you will be limited due to the
bandwidth of this cable rather than the performance of the drives)

can you do other forms of raid on these drives or only raid 10?
This is all direct attach storage via SAS2 so I'm guessing it's probably limited to the single port link between the controller and the expander. Again, geneticist here not computer scientist. ;-) The enclosures have Areca ARC-8026-16 expanders. I can basically do whatever RAID level I want.

how critical is the data in this database? if it were to die would it just
be a matter of recreating it and reloading the data? or would you loose
irreplaceable data?

David Lang
All of the data could be reloaded. Basically, once I get the data into the database and I'm done manipulating it I create a backup copy/dump which then gets stored at a couple different locations. Like I said, I really only do big loads/updates periodically so if it tanked all I'd be out is whatever I did since the last backup/dump and some time.

My goal is to 1) have a fairly robust system so that I don't have to spend my time rebuilding things and 2) be able to query the data quickly. Most of what I do are ad hoc queries. I have an idea... "how many X have Y in this set of Z samples" and write the query to get the answer. I can wait a couple minutes to get an answer but waiting an hour is becoming tiresome.


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