On 02/03/2011 09:45 PM, Conor Walsh wrote:
My understanding is that auto-analyze will fire only after my
transaction is completed, because it is a seperate daemon.  If I do
like so:

COPY ...;
-- Dangerously un-analyzed
SELECT complicated-stuff ...;

Auto-analyze does not benefit me, or might not because it won't fire
often enough.  I agree that analyze is very fast, and it often seems
to me like the cost/benefit ratio suggests making auto-analyze even
more aggressive.

The count discussion is boring. Nothing new there. But auto-analyze on dirty writes does interest me. :-)

My understanding is:

1) Background daemon wakes up and checks whether a number of changes have happened to the database, irrelevant of transaction boundaries.

2) Background daemon analyzes a percentage of rows in the database for statistical data, irrelevant of row visibility.

3) Analyze is important for both visible rows and invisible rows, as plan execution is impacted by invisible rows. As long as they are part of the table, they may impact the queries performed against the table.

4) It doesn't matter if the invisible rows are invisible because they are not yet committed, or because they are not yet vacuumed.

Would somebody in the know please confirm the above understanding for my own piece of mind?


Mark Mielke<m...@mielke.cc>

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