haven't tested a composite index

invsensor is 2,003,980 rows and 219MB
granver is 5,138,730 rows and 556MB
the machine has 32G memory
seq_page_cost, random_page_costs & effective_cache_size are set to the defaults (1,4, and 128MB) - looks like they could be bumped up.
Got any recommendations?


On 5/10/11 1:59 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
[ woops, accidentally replied off-list, trying again ]

On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 1:47 PM, Maria L. Wilson
<maria.l.wilso...@nasa.gov>  wrote:
thanks for taking a look at this....  and it's never too late!!

I've tried bumping up work_mem and did not see any improvements -
All the indexes do exist that you asked.... see below....
Any other ideas?

CREATE INDEX invsnsr_idx1
  ON invsensor
  USING btree

CREATE INDEX invsnsr_idx2
  ON invsensor
  USING btree
What about a composite index on both columns?

  ON gran_ver
  USING btree
It's a bit surprising to me that this isn't getting used.  How big are
these tables, and how much memory do you have, and what values are you
using for seq_page_cost/random_page_cost/effective_cache_size?


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