On 06/08/2011 06:30 AM, t...@fuzzy.cz wrote:

  shared_buffers               | 16MB
  work_mem                     | 250MB

This seems a bit suspicious. Are you sure you want to keep the
shared_buffers so small and work_mem so large at the same time? There
probably are workloads where this is the right thing to do, but I doubt
this is the case. Why have you set it like this?

I must concur in this case. I can't imagine any scenario where this makes sense. Work-mem is allocated on a per-sort basis, not just per session or transaction. So a large query could allocate several of these and run your system out of memory and cause the OOM killer to start causing trouble.

I don't have much experience with running Pg on AWS, but I'd try to
increase the shared buffers to say 512MB and decrease the work_mem to
16MB (or something like that).

Easily good minimums. But it looks like your AWS only has 1GB of RAM (based on your effective_cache_size), so you may only want to increase it to 256MB. That said, reduce your work_mem to 8MB to start, and increase it in 4MB increments if it's still too low.

With a setting of 16MB, it has to load data in and out of memory constantly. Even if the host OS has cached every single block you'll ever use, that's only the raw table contents. Processing hundreds of thousands of rows still takes time, you just saved yourself the effort of fetching them from disk, shared_buffers is still necessary to do actual work.

Now... I have some issues with your queries, which are likely the fault of the Django ORM, but still consider your analyze:

> http://explain.depesz.com/s/vEx

Your bitmap index scan on logparser is hilarious. The estimates are fine. 237k rows in 47ms when it expected 217k. If your table really does have 815k rows in it, that's not very selective at all. Then it adds a heap scan for the remaining where conditions, and you end up with 100k rows it then has to sort. That's never going to be fast. 600ms actually isn't terrible for this many rows, and it also explains your high CPU.

Then your next one:

> http://explain.depesz.com/s/Rhb

700ms, mostly because of the HashAggregate caused by grouping by round(((seconds_since_start / 42)). You're aggregating by a calculation on 100k rows. Again, this will never be "fast" and 700ms is not terrible considering all the extra work the engine's doing. Again, your index scan returning everything and the kitchen sink is the root cause. Which also is evidenced here:

> http://explain.depesz.com/s/JUo

And here:


Everything is being caused because it's always using the ogparser_entry_event_type_like index to fetch the initial 200k rows. The only way to make this faster is to restrict the rows coming back. For instance, since you know these values are coming in every day, why search through all of history every time?

Why not get your timestamp column involved? Maybe you only need to look at Attack, DoT Tick, and Critical Attack event types for the last day, or week, or even month. That alone should drastically reduce your row counts and give the engine a much smaller data set to aggregate and sort.

The thing is, the way your queries are currently written, as you get more data, this is just going to get worse and worse. Grabbing a quarter of a table that just gets bigger every day and then getting aggregates (group by, etc) is going to get slower every day unless you can restrict the result set with more where clauses. If you need reports on a lot of this data on a regular basis, consider running a nightly or hourly batch to insert them into a reporting table you can check later.

There's a lot you can do here.

Shaun Thomas
OptionsHouse | 141 W. Jackson Blvd. | Suite 800 | Chicago IL, 60604


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