No: The commit has the same guarantees as a synchronous commit w.r.t. data 
consistency. The commit can only fail (as a whole) due to hardware problems or 
postgres backend crashes. 

And yes: The client commit returns, but the server can fail later and not 
persist the transaction and it will be lost (again as a whole).

Your application should be able to tolerate losing the latest committed 
transactions if you use this.

The difference to fsync=off is that a server crash will leave the database is a 
consistent state with just the latest transactions lost.

From: Anibal David Acosta <>
Sent: Monday, August 1, 2011 6:29 AM
Subject: [PERFORM] synchronous_commit off

Can a transaction committed asynchronously report an error, duplicate key or 
something like that, causing a client with a OK transaction but server with a 
FAILED transaction.

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