On 8/23/2011 5:14 AM, Robert Schnabel wrote:

I'm by no means an expert but it seems to me if you're going to choose between two 6 GB/s cards you may as well put SAS2 drives in. I have two Adaptec 6445 cards in one of my boxes and several other Adaptec series 5 controllers in others. They suit my needs and I haven't had any problems with them. I think it has been mentioned previously but they do tend to run hot so plenty of airflow would be good.

Thanks. Good point about airflow. By SAS I meant 6Gbit SAS drives. But we have many servers already with 10k raptors and it is tempting to use those since we would be able to use a common pool of spare drives across all servers. 15K rpm is tempting though. I'm not sure if the DB transaction commit rate scales up linearly when BBU is used (it would without BBU).

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