Craig James <> writes:
> On 9/26/11 10:07 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Cranking up the statistics target for the hts_code_id column (and 
>> re-ANALYZEing) ought to fix it. If all your tables are this large you might 
>> want to just increase default_statistics_target across the board. regards, 
>> tom lane 

> This is common advice in this forum ....  but what's the down side to 
> increasing statistics?  With so many questions coming to this forum that are 
> due to insufficient statistics, why not just increase the 
> default_statistics_target?  I assume there is a down side, but I've never 
> seen it discussed.  Does it increase planning time?  Analyze time?  Take lots 
> of space?

Yes, yes, and yes.  We already did crank up the default
default_statistics_target once (in 8.4), so I'm hesitant to do it again.

                        regards, tom lane

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