1. First things first: vacuum cannot delete tuples that are still
visible to any old running transactions. You might have some very long
queries or transactions that prevent it from cleaning properly:

select * from pg_stat_activity where xact_start < now()-interval '10 minutes';

2. On 8.3 and earlier servers with large tables, it's critical that
your max_fsm_pages and max_fsm_relations are tuned properly. Failing
that, autovacuum will permanently leak space that can only be fixed
with a VACUUM FULL (which will take an exclusive lock and run for a
very long time)

PostgreSQL version 8.4 addressed this problem, but for the
unfortunate, you have to follow the tuning advice here:

On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 08:08, Royce Ausburn <royce...@inomial.com> wrote:
> I've noticed that the same tables seem to be auto vacuum'd over and over 
> again… Some of the tables are a bit surprising in that they're updated 
> semi-regularly, but not enough (I'd think) to warrant an autovacuum every few 
> minutes… Is this unusual?

Maybe they're just auto-analyze processes? Those get triggered on
insert-only tables too, when vacuum normally wouldn't run.

> Perhaps unrelated: I've done some digging around and happened across a 
> nightly task doing:
> select pg_stat_reset()

AFAIK (but I could be wrong), vacuum uses a separate set of statistics
not affected by pg_stat_reset.


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