On 10/24/2011 4:47 PM, Claudio Freire wrote:
What about redundancy?

How do you swap an about-to-die SSD?

Software RAID-1?

The approach we take is that we use 710 series devices which have predicted reliability similar to all the other components in the machine, therefore the unit of replacement is the entire machine. We don't use trays for example (which saves quite a bit on data center space). If I were running short endurance devices such as 320 series I would be interested in replacing the drives before the machine itself is likely to fail, but I'd do so by migrating the data and load to another machine for the replacement to be done offline. Note that there are other operations procedures that need to be done and can not be done without downtime (e.g. OS upgrade), so some kind of plan to deliver service while a single machine is down for a while will be needed regardless of the storage device situation.

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