Hello Everyone,

I could see the following in the production server (result of the "top" M
command) -

 PID    USER     PR  NI  VIRT    RES   SHR   S  %CPU   %MEM       TIME+
25265 postgres  15   0  3329m   2.5g   1.9g   S     0.0          4.0
 542:47.83   postgres: writer process

The "writer process" refers to bg_writer ? and we have shared_buffers set
to 1920 MB (around 1.9 GB).

In an other similar situation, we have "postgres writer process" using up 7
- 8 GB memory constantly.

pg_tune is suggesting to increase the shared_buffers to 8 GB.

If the shared_buffer is not enough, Postgres uses OS cache ?

We have a 64 GB RAM.

We have decided the following -

1. We have 20 databases running in one cluster and all are more or less
highly active databases.
2. We will be splitting across the databases across multiple clusters to
have multiple writer processes working across databases.

Please help us if you have any other solutions around this.


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