Hi folks,

I'm running PG 8.3.15 on an itanium box and was seeing lots of floating-point assist faults by the kernel. Searched around, found a couple references/discussions here and there:


I took up Tom's challenge and found that the buffer allocation prediction code in BgBufferSync() is the likely culprit:

        if (smoothed_alloc <= (float) recent_alloc)
                smoothed_alloc = recent_alloc;
                smoothed_alloc += ((float) recent_alloc - smoothed_alloc) /

smoothed_alloc (float) is moving towards 0 during any extended period of time when recent_alloc (uint32) remains 0. In my case it takes just a minute or two before it becomes small enough to start triggering the fault.

Given how smoothed_alloc is used just after this place in the code it seems overkill to allow it to continue to shrink so small, so I made a little mod:

        if (smoothed_alloc <= (float) recent_alloc)
                smoothed_alloc = recent_alloc;
        else if (smoothed_alloc >= 0.00001)
                smoothed_alloc += ((float) recent_alloc - smoothed_alloc) /

This seems to have done the trick. From what I can tell this section of code is unchanged in 9.1.1 - perhaps in a future version a similar mod could be made?

FWIW, I don't think it's really much of a performance impact for the database, because if recent_alloc remains 0 for a long while it probably means the DB isn't doing much anyway. However it is annoying when system logs fill up, and the extra floating point handling may affect some other process(es).


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