Martin Grotzke wrote:
> we want to see if we can gain better performance with our postgresql
> database. In the last year the amount of data growed from ~25G to now
> ~140G and we're currently developing a new feature that needs to get
> data faster from the database. The system is both read and write
> At first I want to give you an overview over the hardware, software
> configuration and the changes that I see we could check out. I'd be
> happy if you could review and tell if the one or the other is
> Hardware:
> - CPU: 4x4 Cores Intel Xeon L5630  @ 2.13GHz
> - RAM: 64GB
> - RAID 1 (1+0) HP Company Smart Array G6 controllers, P410i
>   (I don't know the actual number of discs)
> - A single partition for data and wal-files
> Software
> - RHEL 6, Kernel 2.6.32-220.4.1.el6.x86_64
> - postgresql90-server-9.0.6-1PGDG.rhel6.x86_64

You could try different kernel I/O elevators and see if that improves

I have made good experiences with elevator=deadline and elevator=noop.

Laurenz Albe

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