On Jul 9, 2012, at 10:51 PM, Maxim Boguk wrote:

> But what appears to be happening is that all of the data is being written out 
> at the end of the checkpoint.
> This happens at every checkpoint while the system is under load.
> I get the feeling that this isn't the correct behavior and i've done 
> something wrong. 
> It's not an actual checkpoints.
> It's is a fsync after checkpoint which create write spikes hurting server.
> You should set sysctl vm.dirty_background_bytes and vm.dirty_bytes to 
> reasonable low values

So use bla_bytes instead of bla_ratio?

> (for 512MB raid controller with cache I would suggest to sometning like
> vm.dirty_background_bytes = 33554432 
> vm.dirty_bytes = 268435456
> 32MB and 256MB respectively)

I'll take a look.

> If youre server doesn't have raid with BBU cache - then you should tune these 
> values to much lower values.
> Please read http://blog.2ndquadrant.com/tuning_linux_for_low_postgresq/ 
> and related posts.

yeah, I saw that I guess I didn't put 2+2 together. thanks.

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