Andy wrote:
> I have been pulling my hair out over the last few days trying to get
any useful performance out of the
> following
> painfully slow query.
> The query is JPA created, I've just cleaned the aliases to make it
more readable.
> Using 'distinct' or 'group by' deliver about the same results, but
'distinct' is marginally better.
> Hardware is pretty low end (a test box), but is mostly dedicated to
> The box spec and configuration is included at the end of this post -
Some of the values have been
> changed just to see if
> things get better.
> Inserts have also become extremely slow. I was expecting a drop off
when the database grew out of
> memory, but not this much.
> Am I really missing the target somewhere?
> Any help and or suggestions will be very much appreciated.
> Best regards,
> Andy.

The estimate on the join between recipe_version and test_result is not

Maybe things will improve if you increase the statistics on

If that does not help, maybe the nested loop join that takes
all your time can be sped up with the following index:

CREATE INDEX any_name ON test_item (id_test_result, type);

But I would not expect much improvement there.

BTW, you seem to have an awful lot of indexes defined, some
of which seem redundant.

Laurenz Albe

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