On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 12:13 AM, Andrzej Zawadzki <zawa...@wp.pl> wrote:
> On 10.01.2013 19:17, Jeff Janes wrote:

>> Also, if you temporarily set enable_seqscan=off on 9.2, what plan do
>> you then get?
> Plan is different.

> "                Join Filter: (sa.arrear_import_id = ai.id)"

It is hard to imagine why it is not using
sygma_arrear_arrear_import_id_idx for this given the plan is now
accessing the index anyway.  Have the types or encodings or collations
somehow become incompatible so that this index can no longer fulfill

What if you just write a very simple join between the two tables with
the above join condition, with another highly selective condition on



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